Donate to Turing School of Software and Design

Your tax-deductible gift will be used to move more people on a path to success. Thank you.

Imagine a world powered by technology where the people building it represent the people using it. That's our goal at Turing. Help us make it a reality.

Why Donate

"Turing changed my life and gave me a new wonderful and fulfilling career. Turing's programming opens so many doors for its students; I donate because I want to help increase that impact."
Erin B.
Turing Alum

From scholarship recipients

"The Turing scholarship stands for someone believing in me, in my value and my potential. I know someone has my back, in fact a whole community has my back."
"Coming from an educator’s salary, the Scholarship had a significant impact on the feasibility of me becoming a student. The money we were able to keep in our pocket instead of putting toward tuition helped keep the lights on and food in our fridge. Upon learning that I would be awarded the Scholarship, I felt completely humbled. In addition to providing much needed financial support, it also sent a strong message. I was wanted here and I would be supported by the Turing community."

Turing School of Software and Design is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN number 46-3635658), and all donations are tax-deductible

Have admissions questions?

If you have questions about donating, please contact us at [email protected].